Saturday, October 1, 2016

With #CarlKozlowski out on assignment, Dr. David Robinson steps in as guest host. The good doctor is joined in the studio by Feisty Feminist #ErikaSchickel and The Black Voice of Reason #TymonShipp for an in depth look at Monday's Presidential Debate and the media reaction to the insanity before a brief discussion of the issue of mental health and how it's used as entertainment - from amusement park haunted houses to basic cable horror dramas. All that and a 'Burst of Durst' from five-time Emmy nominee #WillDurst... you'd have to be nuts not to listen to this episode!

Monday, August 1, 2016

The Koz Effect on #RadioTitans

The Koz Effect: 'NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL CONVENTION!'…/epis…/9092455/160730_kozeffect.mp3…/…/now-thats-what-i-call-convention
With Carl on assignment this week, Dr. David Robinson is joined by Erika Schickel and Tymon Shipp in the studio while Will Durst joins live via the magic of telephony. The Democratic Convention is recapped, dissected, and repackaged to make an oh so tasty gathering that much tastier - especially when compared to what the Republicans have been trying to feed us.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Koz Effect on #RadioTitans

Here's the latest Koz Effect, taped just two hours ago. We're proud of this. We think that theres' a lot of good discussion here. Check it out.